During the years we had little ones at home, Robert and I knew the idea of regular dates wasn't something we wanted to prioritize in our marriage. It just wasn't worth the stress for us. But all of a sudden, our youngest is two (potty trained, even!) and it feels like we're entering into a new season.
This year, we're going to attempt two dates a month. It's a lofty goal, and one we're totally okay not meeting, but if we don't try it certainly won't happen! For the record, at home dates totally count, too.
For fun, we're going to try Alphabet Dates, which is just a way to give a little structure to our time together. For example, if the letter is A we may go to an art museum, antique shop, do some kind of aerobics together, or enjoy some Asian food. We're choosing letters at random rather than working through them in alphabetical order.
I'll try to document what we do here!
1/4 F: First of the year planning session, First Watch breakfast, coffee at The Fainting Goal, and Finding Free (discarded) Christmas trees for a Fire later in the day.
1/18 G: Got Grub at Garcias and thrifted at Goodwill (thanks for watching the kids, Gpa & GiGi!)