Note: Many of these resources were offered from readers like you (thank you!) We have not read or listened to each one.
Faithful Counseling: Be matched with a counselor in minutes and schedule a call
So Worth Loving: Bridging the gap between mental health and faith
Christians Counseling and Educational Foundation: A deep wealth of information. Use the search bar!
Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries: Equipping the church to support mental health and wellbeing
The Place We Find Ourselves (all episodes)
Anxiety and Depression from Journeywomen
When Motherhood Brings Deep Suffering from Risen Motherhood
How God Saved Me from Suicide Part ONE and TWO from Focus on the Family
Depression: Looking up from the Stubborn Darkness
Fear Gone Wild: A Story of Mental Illness, Suicide, and Hope Through Loss
This Too Shall Last
Spurgeon's Sorrows: Realistic Hope for those who Suffer from Depression
My Name is Hope: Anxiety, Depression, and Life After Melancholy
Fearless in 21 Days: A Survivor's Guide to Overcoming Anxiety
Dear Mushka Picks
The Plume Necklace here -- a reminder of where refuge can be found
The Held Bracelet here -- because you are held, strengthened, and helped in your lowest moments
The Assist Necklace here -- when you feel alone and need help
The Net Necklace here -- a reminder to cast your anxieties on the Lord
A Promise Pack here -- perfect for putting up all around the house to keep your eyes on truth
A 2 Cor 12:9 Art Print here -- because this verse is always helpful, but esp when we're sitting in the hard
The Expectant Necklace here-- trust that he WILL bring forth righteousness in your life
The Hatch Necklace here-- a reminder that you're a new creation and won't always be in a broken body
The Laden Necklace here-- because rest can be found, even in long suffering
The Enduring Necklace here-- even when the outside is wasting away, the inside is being renewed for a bigger purpose
The Keeper Necklace here-- know that you are seen and your tears are kept
The Complete Necklace here-- a reminder to have joy and trust in the process as you're being made perfect
The Wrapped Necklace here -- when you just have to tie a knot onto the end of your rope and hold onto Hope
The Guard Necklace here-- because prayer sets a guard at the fronts of our minds against anxiety
The Shell Earrings here-- when your flesh and heart fail, God is still your strength